Friday, November 15, 2013

Seattle Times Restaurant Critic Providence Cicero Reviews McCracken and Tough's New Restaurant The Old Sage: Four Star Food

Today's Times has our review.  Cicero writes, "Ooh-and-aah your way through plate after astonishing plate on McCracken and Tough’s tightly focused smoke-and-malt-inspired menu of meat, fish, vegetables and grains..."  After dining with us, in our "handsome, broody bar" she calls herself a "fangirl".  We're honored.

Happy Hour daily until 7pm and all night Sundays.

"Happy Hour roster: that’s where I found cured salmon pastrami with horseradish pudding and pumpernickel crumbles ($6), as well as ham-and-rhubarb-stuffed cherry bomb peppers with frizzled shallots and fresh herbs ($4).

At Happy Hour you’ll also find half-price versions of some items from the main menu, among them a divine hot-from-the-oven puff of flat bread, dusted with caraway, fennel pollen and sea salt ($4). Drink specials included $7 bourbon, rye or scotch Manhattans, complex and well-constructed. Tip your glass to teetotaling pioneer Arthur Denny, whose visage graces the wall. That old sage may look askance at this Old Sage, but I’m a fangirl."

Thank you Providence and the Seattle Times.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Seattle Met's Kathryn Robinson Puts the Roasted & Raw Gourds on Our Menu on Her Year's Best Dish List

Thank you to Kathryn for including us on this list of delicious dishes to try in Seattle.  Read the article on "The Fifty Best Things I Ate and Drank" for some great ideas around town.

Of our gourds, she wrote, "The Old Sage: Roasted and Raw Gourds. Precious can ... mean a gorgeously composed plate of roasted and raw gourds, where smoky roasted squash, curled cuke slices, and chunks of compressed watermelon come masterfully accented with mint leaves, dollops of yogurt, and Calabrian chili. A beautiful dish in every sense of the word. 1410 12th Ave, Capitol Hill, 206-557-7430;". Photo of the dish is by Olivia Brent for Seattle Met.